
A draft version of the conference program is available below.
Last update: 12 Dec, 2018

National Day

Pre - Conference Workshop (PhD)

This conference workshop will run at the University of Nicosia

Opening Session and Welcome
Lidija Lalicic, Rosanna Leung and Angelika Kokkinaki (PhD Workshop Chairs)
Iis Tussyadiah (IFITT President)
Noam Shoval, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
‘Implementation of Tracking Technologies for Tourism Research: Lessons from a Scholarly Journey of two Decades'
Student PhD Pitches
Yes, it is hard, but not impossible! Catch the audience interest in your PhD proposal, you got 5 minutes sharp!
Research Clinic I
Research Clinic II
Research Clinic III
  Preparing for your First Job Talk (almost) finished your PhD?
Get the best advice how to prepare for your job applications!
Mentors will answer your questions about your PhD and give you constructive feedback Mentors will answer your questions about your PhD and give you constructive feedback Mentors will answer your questions about your PhD and give you constructive feedback
Publishing Strategy
Academic Integrity
Your PhD & Industry Relevance
  Global Grant applications
Post-doc? New position? In the ends is it about money to fund your research. Become a pro in writing grant applications!

By: Pierre Benckendorff,
Markus Schuckert

What is publishing about, what are the must-do & must not-do?
Three editors give you the answers!

By: Zheng Xiang, Marianna Sigala, Dimitrios Buhalis

How do I make sure my research is living upon the standard of academic integrity? Check it out in this session!

By: Stella Kleanthous, Angelika Kokkinaki

Is your PhD relevant for industry? What should you pay attention to? Experts elaborate more on this in this session!

By: Christos Ditoras, Ulrike Gretzel, TBA
Ana Maria Munar, Copenhagen Bussiness School
‘Are you in the picture? Critical thinking, Positionality and Desire in the PhD journey '
Best Master & Dissertation Award Presentations & PhD Proposal Award Ceremony
Time to announce the winners and clap our hands!
Estela Mariné-Roig (IFITT Awards Selection Committee)
You will receive your attendance certificate
Lidija Lalicic, Rosanna Leung and Angelika Kokkinaki (PhD Workshop Chairs)
Iis Tussyadiah (IFITT President)
Informal Get Together (on your own expenses)
Mingle, relax and taste Nicosia's culinary scene!
09:00 - 09:30
Official Welcome and Conference Opening
Iis Tussyadiah, President IFITT
Marianna Sigala, ENTER2019 Chair
George Papadopoulos, ENTER2019 Local Chair
09:30 - 11:00
Keynote Speakers
Francesco Ricci, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Alessandra Alonso, Women in Travel CIC **
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 - 13:30
Research Track
Research Track
Research Track
Research Track: Short Papers
  Room: Room: Room: Room:
  Theme: Tourism Behavior Analytics Theme: Sharing Economy Theme: Destination Marketing Theme: Data Analytics and Peer-to-Peer Economy
  Moderator: Julia Neidhardt Moderator: Pierre Benckendorff Moderator: Zhang Mu Moderator: Claudia Brözel
  Linus W. Dietz, Rinita Roy, and Wolfgang Wörndl
Characterisation of Traveller Types Using Check-in Data from Location-Based Social Networks
Jacques Bulchand-Gidumal,
Santiago Melián-González, and Beatriz González López-Valcárcel
Is the Sharing Economy for All? An Answer Based on Neighbourhoods, Types of Hosts, and User Complaints
Ashelle McFee, Tanja Mayrhofer, Andrea Baràtovà, Barbara Neuhofer, Mattia Rainoldi, and Roman Egger
The Effects of Virtual Reality on
Destination Image Formation

Aleksei Gorgadze, Valery Gordin and Natalia Belyakova
Semantic Analysis of the Imperial Topic: Case of St. Petersburg
  Takashi Aoike, Bach Ho, Tatsunori Hara, Jun Ota, and Yohei Kurata
Utilising Crowd Information of Tourist Spots in an Interactive Tour Recommender System
Christian Weismayer and Ilona Pezenka
Drivers of Emotions in Airbnb-Reviews

Katja Pasanen, Juho Pesonen, Jamie Murphy, Johanna Heinonen, and Jenni Mikkonen
Comparing Tablet and Virtual Reality Glasses for Watching Nature Tourism Videos
Luka Tomat, Miha Bratec, Katarzyna Minor and Marko Budler
Daily Deals in the Mediterranean Region: a Data Analytics Approach
  Seunghun Shin and Zheng Xaing
What’s vs. How’s in Online Hotel Reviews: Comparing Information Value of Content and Writing Style with Machine Learning
Jason L. Stienmetz, Anyu Liu, and Iis P. Tussyadiah
UK Residents’ Opinions of Peer-to-Peer Accommodation Impact on Quality of Life
Yi Xuan Ong and Naoya Ito
“I Want to Go There Too!” Evaluating Social Media Influencer Marketing Effectiveness: A Case Study of Hokkaido’s DMO
Marianna Sigala, Martina Toni, Maria Renzi, Laura Di Pietro and Roberta Mugion
Gamification in Airbnb: benefits and risks
  Ao Cheng, Gang Ren, Taeho Hong, Kichan Nam, Chulmo Koo
An Exploratory Analysis of Travel-related WeChat Mini Program Usage: Affordance Theory Perspective
Blaise Larpin,Julien Mabillard, Miriam Scaglione, Pascal Favre and Roland Schegg
An Analysis of Regional Developments of Airbnb in Switzerland: Insights into Growth
Berta Ferrer - Rosell, Eva Martin-Fuentes, and Estela Marine-Roig
Do Hotels Talk on Facebook About Themselves or About Their Destinations?
Anna Farmaki and Prokopis Christou
Examining ‘Space’ in Peer-to-Peer Accommodation Settings
        Anna Farmaki and Dimitrios Stergiou
Impacts of P2P Accommodation: Neighbourhood Perspectives
        Yujia Chen,Shasha Liu, Iis Tussyadiah, Husna Abidin and Zara Zarezadeh
Inferences and Decision Heuristics in Peer-to-Peer Accommodation Booking
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 16:00
Panel Session: Tourism Innovation
Itai Green, Innovate Israel
Sérgio Guerreiro & Christina Salsinha, Tourism Portugal **
Dejan Krizaj, University of Primorska, Slovenia & AIRTH
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 - 18:00
Research Track
Research Track
Research Track: Short Papers
Room: Room: Room: Room:
  Theme: Technology in Tourism Industry Theme: Sustainability and Responsibility Theme: Tourism Destinations Theme:Technology & Education
  Moderator: Christian Weismayer Moderator: Ulrike Gretzel Moderator: Roland Shegg Moderator: Cihan Cobanoglou
Michael Möhring, Barbara Keller and Rainer Schmidt
Insights into Advanced Dynamic Pricing Systems at Hotel Booking Platforms
Pauline A. Milwood and Wesley S. Roehl: Towards a Measurement Scale for Digital Social Innovation
A Responsibility-Sustainability Framework
Sai Liang and Hui Li
Respond More to Good Targets: An Empirical Study of Managerial Response Strategy in Online Travel Websites
Zhang Qiu, Hanqin
Iis Tussyadiah, Shujun Li, and Graham Miller
Privacy Protection in Tourism: Where We Are and Where We Should Be Heading For
Cristina Figueroa-Domecq, Jesus Palomo, Mª Dolores Flecha-Barrio and Mónica Segovia-Pérez
Double Gender Gap in Tourism High-technology Organisations: Results and Corporate Actions
Daisy Fan, Dimitrios Buhalis and Bingna Lin
Tourists’ Online and Face-to-Face Social Contact and Destination Immersion
Vinkesteijn, Jeroen
Sanjay Lama, Sojen Pradhan, and Anup Shrestha
An e-Tourism Adoption Model & Its Implications for Tourism Industry in Nepal
Marianna Sigala and Dandison Ukpabi
Citizen Engagement and Entrepreneurship: Implications for Sustainable Tourism Development
Ante Mandić and Daniela Garbin Praničević
The impact of ICT on actors involved in smart tourism destination supply chain
18:00 - 19:00 IFITT AGM (IFITT Members Only)
19:30 Welcome Reception
09:00 - 10:30
Panel Session:Digital Marketing
Daniel Wishnia, GCH Hotels
Lisa Binderberger, Boom Creative Lab
Holger Sicking, Austrian National Tourist Office
10:30 - 12:00
Research Track
Research Track
Destination Track
Room: Room: Room: Room:
Theme: Destination Marketing Theme: Tourist Experience Theme: AI-enabled smart tourism experiences Theme: Destination Marketing by DMOs
  Moderator: Florian Zach Moderator: Barbara Neuhofer Moderator: Koo Chulmo Moderator: Irem Önder
Denis Bernkopf and Lyndon Nixon
The Impact of Visual Social Media on the Projected Image of a Destination: The Case of Mexico City on Instagram
Uglješa Stankov and Viachaslau Filimonau
Co-creating “Mindful” Holiday Resort Experience for Guests’ Digital Well-being
Ulrike Gretzel Sara Pastor
Measuring the Economic Impact of Destination Marketing Efforts: ADARA Impact & Turespaña Case Study
Estela Marine-Roig, Eva Martin-Fuentes, and Berta Ferrer-Rosell
A Framework for Destination Image Analytics
Zhiming Deng, Pierre Benckendorff, and Jie Wang
Blended Tourism Experiencescape: A Conceptualisation of Live-streaming Tourism
Stanislav Ivanov Holger Sicking and Julia Neidhardt
Analyzing Tripadvisor forums for better marketing decisions: Use Case Austria National Tourist Office
Kenshi Nakaima, Elena Marchiori, and Lorenzo Cantoni
Identification of Competing Destination Brand: The Case of Okinawa Island
  Marianna Sigala
12:00 - 12:30 Coffee break
12:30 - 14:00
Panel Session:Smart Hotels of Today and Tomorrow
Andreas Koukas, Hilton Hotels
Peter Palicz, tmrw.Life & KViHotel Budapest, Hungary
Steve Hood, STR SHARE Center
14:00 - 15:00 Lunch
15:00 - 16:30
Best Research Paper Session
Moderator: Judo Pesonen
Ludovik Coba, Markus Zanker and Laurens Rook
Decision Making Based on Bimodal Rating: Summary Statistics - An Eye-Tracking Study of Hotels
C.K. Bruce Wan
Exploring a Travel Diary That Promotes Wellbeing – Synergy Between Oral and Visual Narratives of Memorable and Meaningful Experiences
David Massimo and Francesco Ricci
Clustering Users' POIs Visit Trajectories for Next-POI Recommendation
Best Papers Awards
16:30 - 17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 - 18:30
Research Track
Research Track
Research Track: Short Papers
Panel: JITT Handbook project on eTourism
Room: Room: Room: Room:
Theme: Service Robots and Service Automation Theme: New Technologies Theme: Tourism Destinations Chair: Zheng Xiang, Matthias Fuchs, Ulrike Gretzel and Wolfram Hoepken
  Moderator: Chulmo Koo Moderator: Jason Stienmetz Moderator: Cody Morris Paris
Chun Liu and Kam Hung
Understanding Self-service Technology in Hotels in China: Technology Affordances and Constraints
Iis Tussyadiah and Graham Miller
Perceived Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Responses to Positive Behaviour Change Intervention
Puspita Ayu Permatasari and Lorenzo Cantoni
Indonesian Tourism and Batik: An Online Map
Stanislav Ivanov and Craig Webster
Perceived Appropriateness and Intention to Use Service Robots in Tourism
Davide Calvaresi, Maxine Leis, Alevtina Dubovitskaya, Roland Schegg and Michael Schumacher
Trust in Tourism via Blockchain Technology: Results from a Systematic Review
Mariapina Trunfio and Maria Della Lucia
Co-creating value in destination management levering on stakeholder engagement
Stanislav Ivanov and Craig Webster
What Should Robots Do? A Comparative Analysis of Industry Professionals, Educators and Tourists
Comment on Blockchain by Christina Bahmann
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies in China
Husna Zainal Abidin, Caroline Scarles and Christine Lundberg
Digital Collaboration: A Solution for Destinations
19:30 - 22:00 Gala Dinner
09:00 - 11:00
Research Track
Research Track: Short Papers
Research Track: Short Papers
Room: Room: Room: Room:
Theme: Smartphones and Digital Community Theme:ICTs in Tourism Theme: Social Media and Websites Theme: Technology THINK TANK
  Moderator: Inge Hermann Moderator: Stanislav Ivanov Moderator: Annika Müller Moderator: Cihan Cobanoglou
  Dandison Ukpabi, Heikki Karjaluoto, Sunday Olaleye and Emmanuel Mogaji
Influence of Offline Activities and Customer Value Creation on Online Travel Community Continuance Usage Intention
Elizabeth Ashcroft, Aarni Tuomi, Mingsheng Wang and David Solnet
Resistance to the Adoption of ICTs in Independent Restaurants: Insights from China & the UK
Ulrike Gretzel and Anne Hardy #VanLife :
Materiality, Makeovers and Mobility amongst Digital Nomads
  Demos Parapanos and Elina (Eleni) Michopoulou:
Understanding Key Motivations for Using a Hotel Gamified Application
Katerina Volchek, Rob Law, Dimitrios Buhalis and Haiyan Song:
The good, the bad, and the ugly: Tourist perceptions on interactions with personalised content
Wen Zhang, Yeongbae Choe and Daniel R. Fesenmaier:
The Defining Features of Emotions in Online Stories
  Shashank Gore, Sreejith Balasubramanian and Cody Morris Paris:
Antecedents and Outcomes of Smartphone Usage Among Indian Millennial Travellers
Junjie Sun, Chenyi Zhuang and Qiang Ma:
Travel Route Recommendation by Considering User Transition Patterns
Florian J. Zach, Yufeng Ma and Edward Fox:
A Preliminary Analysis of Images in Online Hotel Reviews
  Grant Hall, Marianna Sigala, Ruth Rentschler and Stephen Boyle:
Motivations, Mobility and Work Practices; the Conceptual Realities of Digital Nomads.
Anne Hardy, Jagannath Aryal and Martha Wells:
Comparing Techniques for Tracking: The case of Tourism Tracer in Tasmania, Australia
Marek Nowacki:
World Cities’ Image in TripAdvisor Users’ Reviews
    Christos Mettouris and George A. Papadopoulos:
UbiRS4Tourism: Design and Development of Point-of-Interest Recommender Systems Made Easy
Jacqui Taylor, Sine McDougall, Gail Ollis and Philip Alford:
Assessing User Perceptions of Trust and Security in Manipulated Versions of Low Trust and High Trust Tourism Websites
    Takeshi Watabe, Hidekazu Kasahara and Masaaki Iiyama:
Tourist Transition Model among Sightseeing Spots based on Trajectory Data
Emanuele Mele and Lorenzo Cantoni:
Analyzing Cultural Values in Heritage Promotion by DMO Websites. A Methodological Proposal
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 - 13:00
Panel Session: Tourism and the Technological Frontiers
Zenel Batagelj, Datafund
Mohsin Hamoudia, Orange Business Services
Urška Starc-Peceny and Tomi Ilijaš, Tourism 4.0
13:00 - 13:30 Conference Closing
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch
15:15 - 17:30 WORKSHOP
SHARE Center Data for Research and Resources for the Classroom
This conference workshop will run at the University of Nicosia
19:00 - 22:00 Informal Dinner
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